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Monday, 26 March 2018 09:09

ROI Web Hosting offers security patch updates to your website to upgrade WordPress or Joomla to the latest version. These updates should be done at the very least every 6 months. This article is to remind you to update your website to stay secure, and prevent attacks on your website and/or loss of data.

Why do I need to update my plugins and core WordPress/Joomla?

WordPress and Joomla are examples of popular open source content management systems (CMS) that are free to use and are developed by a community of developers. Most business websites are using one of these options. Your website is also comprised of various plugins, which are often created by different developers. These developers regularly release enhancements and security patches to continually evolve their software, making sure it meets the guidelines of the latest WordPress/Joomla as well as latest website technology. 

What is the process of updating plugins and core WordPress/Joomla?

It's always best to start with a full website backup before performing your updates. There are several backup plugins you can use to do this. Our suggestion is Akeeba Backup. This software not only compiles and backs up all the content in your website, but also backs up the database that operates it. It is very important to back up both your website and database. One without the other isn't a full backup.

Once you've completed your backup, it's best to update your plugins first and then update the WordPress/Joomla core. Depending on the version that you are upgrading from, it might also be best to check WordPress or Joomla's websites in case there are any warnings before upgrading from your current version. Both WordPress and Joomla are doing a great job at making it easier to perform updates, although past specific version upgrades may have included a complete retheming of your website. Ideally, this isn't necessary for most websites. Otherwise, performing your upgrades may actually involve quite a few more steps.

Commercial Plugins

You may have purchased some of the developers' plugins in order to use them. Our process of performing updates to your website don't include the paid subscriptions. You'll need to evaluate whether you should continue subscribing to each of the paid plugins.

What does it cost to keep my website up to date?

We suggest performing updates to your website every 6 months at minimum. We offer a flat rate price for performing these updates. If your website requires more than our average upgrade time or has trouble with specific plugin updates, you will be notified and we can give you an estimate on what additional costs may be to complete your updates.

Visit https://www.roiwebhosting.com/security to learn more about hiring ROI Web Hosting to perform your website updates.

Published in Learn

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Proud supporter of small businesses in Canada. Located in Vancouver, British Columbia we offer eco-friendly seo web hosting, website security, email setup, web design and web marketing. 


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